Calling All Ladies
This encounter was met with a weird peace and seeing how they disappeared into the treeline made me recognize want I just witnessed was poetry. There is a growing class of air soft worriers and they are not just kicking pink and purple anymore. The ladies in this sport are increasing each day and in each way and showing another rhythm or participation .
These women are fully ready to bring the pain to their male counterparts and have fun competing on a even field of play. I have been in the field with some ladies who I did not see coming and was forced to pull my dead rag in their wake.
This spirit on the battle field renewed me and forced me to think on another level thus enhancing my engagement. COOL!!!!! Showing me a way of the female Jedi and moved me to another battle mode was good for me and I believe for airsoft.
So here is the call to all ladies who wish to find out what is so cool about this sport and get to drink from this cup of honor and respect of all who grace the air with their own line of BBs. If you are on of these ladies or know one please take the time to subscribe to this LIONAIRSOFT site and send a email so you can meet with your airsoft sisters and help change the game.